
Monday, November 16, 2015

"You're What?" "Tin Roof, Rusted!"

 Firstly, this Onduvilla roof won't be rusting anytime soon.
 Jacob and Charlie got the out riggers all set up along the dormer. They used small angled 2x4's and some fascia boards to make the roof look like it extends further over along the hitch end of the house. The rain drip guard is nailed in place on the edge of the out riggers and Jacob has got it all prepped to be roofed. Carinna and Annie have a total of 3 coats of blue on the dutch door. 
Six out of our eight windows have been installed. Jacob and Annie installed the large side window, front window, and the two side dormer windows. Carinna and Jacob did the hitch end dormer window. Charlie and Jacob are working on the bathroom window, and the two narrow first story windows those are a bit trickier because they don't have nail fins. Hopefully by the next post we will have the roof completely finished and the hitch end dormers on!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wrapped and Ready for Rain

 We got the house sealed up just in time for a week of rain!
 The window holes were cut and then the house was wrapped up! Charlie and Jacob put up roof paper and Tyvek covering the whole house. We ran out of Tyvek so some of the walls are covered in roof paper which will work in it's place as a vapor barrier. Annie taped all of the seams with Tyvek tape to make sure there would be no potential water exposure. Jacob put the fascia along the rafters and then attached the metal flashing and a rain drip guard to the roof. Today Jacob got some of the Onduvilla roofing material up and attached hopefully by the end of the week the first story roof will be totally covered. 
Annie and Marie window shopped for siding and bought the door knob and dead bolt for the front door at Lowe's. Carinna painted our front door a vibrant blue! It will need about two more coats of paint before it will be ready.