I'm hoping very strongly that the next post will have deck railings...
I painted the wall of the storage loft a orange sorbet color that Marie mixed up. This will be the color of the main room of the first story. I think it will need a bit of touch up work but I shouldn't need to do two coats. Jacob and I decided that we really like the wood grain showing through.
The bed loft I painted this purple color that Marie mixed up for me. We've been trying to use up the paints we already had lying around and make new colors with them. The trim will be a dark purple. You can also see on the right wall there is a little door open. Jacob made me a small cubby to store a paperback book and chap-stick.
This is the main room, Jacob and Ben have done an excellent job cutting the wood paneling for our finished walls. I will be painting the walls the above mentioned orange color after Jacob gets the seems of the paneling covered with wood putty and sanded. We decided to go with Finished plywood paneling instead of Sheetrock because we knew our rabbit would chew through the walls in a matter of weeks with the Sheetrock.
Jacob will be putting together our porch supports soon. He had Ben's help drilling holes through the center to reinforce it with re-bar. Jinsoo spent a long time sanding the pillars to prepare them to be painted. She also sanded and painted the railing posts for our porch. Jacob should be putting all that up soon.