
Sunday, October 25, 2015

House Sitting in Inclement Weather

 The sheathing is all put up!
I greatly appreciate Charlie taking pictures for me. I've been getting home in the dark lately. Carinna, Charlie, Jacob, and Marie all worked on cutting and putting up the sheathing. Today Charlie and Jacob cut the dormer window holes (more pictures to come). The little holes drilled in the sheathing, were used as guides for the saw when the window holes were cut.
 All of the bird/ventilation blocks were drilled and installed (shown right). Annie, and Jacob worked on caulking all the plywood seams. After the seams on the roof were caulked roof paper got put up which means that soon we'll be able to put on our roof! The walls will have tyvek put up and then the windows will be installed!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Raise the Roof

 Sheathing is almost done!
The dormer rafters have all been cut but only some of them have been installed because we have to attach the security post under the dormer frame overhang. Most of the hurricane ties have been put up and Jacob spent several hours making 16 bird blocks and put up 4. The bird blocks discourage rodents and birds from living in our ceiling and also helps with ventilation.
All of the first story sheathing has been put on except for the front wall. The second story sheathing was put up (thank you James for helping) except for the rear wall. and the roof sheathing has been put up except for the loft and the dormer. There is still framing to be done in the storage loft and the roof sheathing needs to be finished.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Eve of the Pitched Rafters

 Rafters! It's starting to have an actual house shape!
 Ben and Jacob got the rafters measured and cut, then Jacob and I made some corrections on the rafters last weekend.  The part connected to the wall needed some adjustments to account for the width of the plywood for it to fit over nice and snug. Carinna helped hand Jacob supplies while he was putting up the rafters, and now the ridge beam now stands without any additional support.
Hurricane ties will also be secured to the rafters to reinforce them. The sheathing for the loft has been measured and cut and will be attached this weekend.

I would also like to specially thank Larry, owner of GreenLake Painting for letting us pick through his warehouse for free paint! We got some nice yellow and blue paint.