
Monday, August 31, 2015

And the Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down and Jacob Started Building

 Wall frames!
This was a wonderful surprise when I came home from work Saturday. The winds were really strong and mostly I'm just grateful that this little tin shed is the only thing that blew over. It landed inches away from the trailer wheels. There were power outages in the neighborhood and trees falling over but our little framed house prevailed!
This particular hole in the frame is for my kitchen window which can be seen in the Reused Kitchen Love'n post from earlier. I'm really looking forward to standing at my beautiful sink, and looking out the window of my tiny home. Tomorrow Jacob and I are headed to The Door Store to get our front door! Then we'll be headed back to Ballard Reuse to get the rest of our windows. Hopefully I'll comehome with a full truck.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Waylaid with a Wonderful Wedding

 One and one-third of the wall frame is up and standing at attention.
This has been a busy month for personal joy and not so much tiny house joy. Jacob quit his job so he could focus on getting a roof on our tiny house before winter, then we celebrated Jacob's 24th birthday! Following that excitement we adventured to Sequim Washington to celebrate the marriage of two wonderful people! Excuses, excuses I know. Jacob and I are also attempting a juice fast this coming week so hopefully come next week we'll be refreshed and ready to get these walls up!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Reused Kitchen Love'n

 Today Charlie, Jacob, Marie, and I adventured to Ballard to the Ballard Reuse store!
 This incredibly beautiful little sink was waiting for us. I couldn't take my eyes off of it! It's 19-1/2" wide by 15-1/2" deep, perfect for our kitchen. Initially there were two different prices on it, so we snagged some help from upfront to clarify. Small talk ensued and we told her this lovely little sink will be the one and only sink in out entire tiny house! She thought it best to give it to us at the cheaper price but went to verify with the owner. The owner wanted to give us another $50 off! We got this adorable little Italian Sherle Wagner "Summer Garden" sink valued (on ebay) at about $500 for only $250!
We also found this lovely little window with duel operative panels and it's argon filled making it low-E. We paid $36 for this at Ballard Reuse. We had such a good experience at this store! They showed enthusiasm in our tiny project and asked for our blog address! We're definitely going to become regular customers.
 [You can click on the Ballard Reuse store name to be taken to their website]

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Stairway to Tiny

 Today Jacob worked on the rear wall frame!
 Following the plans, he measured and cut the king studs that make up the large box that is the wall frame. Then after nailing them into shape he made sure it was square and then added the vertical and horizontal interior studs. He's going to have to buy more 2x4's to make the side walls. After the side wall frames are made then he'll be able to nail them into the sill plate.
He also built some stairs to help us get on and off the trailer easier. These stairs may be for a tiny house but they're for a tall Jacob! Each step is a foot apart making this two step stair two feet tall. Marie (who is 5'6") is hoping that when the permanent stairs are built they'll be more accessible for the vertically challenged. For now Jacob (6'6") and I (5'9") can manage.

Monday, August 3, 2015

真倒霉 but, It Will All be Alright

 We had a minor setback with our tiny shack. The tongue and groove plywood on one side of the trailer wasn't cut properly and didn't line up with the metal frame; where the seam of the boards should be screwed in. So in less than a hour Charlie and I ripped up the sill plate and the plywood.
 After the problem plywood was evicted there was room for Jacob and Charlie to measure (quadruple check), cut, and use the self tapping screws to attach the plywood. After the tongue and groove was properly fitted then came the completed sill plate! Next step is getting supplies and starting to frame the walls.
Yet again a monkey wrench gets thrown in the works and we come out better than we started.