
Monday, August 31, 2015

And the Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down and Jacob Started Building

 Wall frames!
This was a wonderful surprise when I came home from work Saturday. The winds were really strong and mostly I'm just grateful that this little tin shed is the only thing that blew over. It landed inches away from the trailer wheels. There were power outages in the neighborhood and trees falling over but our little framed house prevailed!
This particular hole in the frame is for my kitchen window which can be seen in the Reused Kitchen Love'n post from earlier. I'm really looking forward to standing at my beautiful sink, and looking out the window of my tiny home. Tomorrow Jacob and I are headed to The Door Store to get our front door! Then we'll be headed back to Ballard Reuse to get the rest of our windows. Hopefully I'll comehome with a full truck.

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