
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Stairway to Tiny

 Today Jacob worked on the rear wall frame!
 Following the plans, he measured and cut the king studs that make up the large box that is the wall frame. Then after nailing them into shape he made sure it was square and then added the vertical and horizontal interior studs. He's going to have to buy more 2x4's to make the side walls. After the side wall frames are made then he'll be able to nail them into the sill plate.
He also built some stairs to help us get on and off the trailer easier. These stairs may be for a tiny house but they're for a tall Jacob! Each step is a foot apart making this two step stair two feet tall. Marie (who is 5'6") is hoping that when the permanent stairs are built they'll be more accessible for the vertically challenged. For now Jacob (6'6") and I (5'9") can manage.

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