
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Floored but Not Overwhelmed

Floor insulation has been started! Charlie, Jacob, and I spent the day working on the floor insulation.
We started our journey yesterday, Jacob ventured to Dunn Lumber to get the 2" and 1.5" Rmax foam insulation; and Home Depot to get the tongue and groove plywood, and the spray foam insulation. We forgot to get the sill sealer so returned to Home Depot this morning and when we arrived these windows were waiting! They were 25% off and looked perfect for our second story dormer widows.

The only bad news of the day really ended up being good news. The two boards of insulation together are 3.5" thick and the space that needs to be filled is 3", the foam is not forgiving and doesn't squish. The bad news is we need to get 1" foam boards to pair with the 2" boards. The good news is we can return several of the unused foam boards and in the long run I will actually end up saving $70ish. Hooray for good bad news! So we spent the day cutting the foam insulation and seeing what fits where and how many 1" boards we will need to buy. The next steps are to finish cutting the foam boards, fill all air pockets with spray foam insulation, line the exposed metal frame with sill sealer, cut the tongue and groove plywood, and finally screw the plywood into place. Hopefully, everyone cross your fingers, by next weekend we will have a solid floor foundation!

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