
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jacob Stands Alone

Charlie, and I spent a short amount of time putting up Marie's shade tent to help keep the work area cool. It helps me to imagine it finished and with a roof too!  
Also, the fascia is attached! While I was at work today Jacob slaved over clamping and screwing this fascia onto our trailer. I included a close up picture to show the router work that Jacob did to fit the fascia snugly around the structure rods. He also used the chop saw to cut the 2X4 at an angle to fit around the wheel well. Praise Jacob for a first step well done!
  This is a close up on how the fascia is attached to the trailer, the self tapping screws are seated into the countersink holes that I had previously drilled. Next step is to buy insulation and plywood to insulate our flooring. More Progress and updates to come this weekend! 

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